national confidence meaning in English
- Fourthly , the author posed methods and routes of present culture rebuilding national confidence through breaking and building . breaking implied that the misunderstanting of china - centralism and national - nihilism should be done away , so the author suggest to dispel emotional pulse , reform our thinking method , and convince culture aware of national self - recongnition
四、于“破”和“立”两个方面提出了当前文化重建民族自信心的路径和方略。 “破” ,一是破除“华夏中心主义”与“民族虚无主义”两大民族自我的认识误区。 - Thirdly , brief history and failure reasons of old culure which build national an self - confidence were surveyed and carded . the author analyzed the difficuties and defects of reconstructing device posed by culture conservatism and radicalism , and also discussed the flaws and mistaakes in reconstructing national self - confidence of culture campaign leaded by the party . the author concluded that culture reconstructing of national self - confidence depend neither on transplanting the western cultures , nor on our traditional culture . based on self - improved did n ' t take the advantage of rational reconstructing of national confidence